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Writer's pictureLauren Avero

Planning the approach

Hello and Welcome back!

In my previous blogs I discovered my media niche of lifestyle content creators and narrowed and mapped my field site where I’ve decided to focus on SarahsDay and the idea of ‘digital trust’ for marketing purposes.

I’m now at the 3rd stage of developing, planning and problematising my research process. The research process will aim to seek out information that leads to narrowing my research topic this is crucial to identify the problems within the topic before attempting to have a ‘research question’.

Problematisation of my media niche

Analysing the big question means I have to explore the idea of ‘digital trust’ understanding the role of a lifestyle influencer and the impact they can have on their audience and marketing. Using SarahsDay as a key focus point, I will focus on the key issues:

  • Analysing the way in which SarahsDay became so popular

  • The contributing factors as to why she’s remained popular

  • How does her online content impact her audience?

Of course, I cannot simply ask her or other influencers thus this information will be challenging to receive however the most influential information could potentially come through from the audience.

Through ethnographic research I will gain an understanding of the “methodology for studies of cultures and peoples, with the assumption that they have something in common” (Sobolewska, F. Smith & Turner, 2009). Those that SarahsDay will most likely have similar interests or aspirations that makes her online lifestyle content engaging and relatable. These aspects make promoting brands and products easier to share with her audience. In place of an advertisement on a blog website, influencers are able to have paid partnerships with brands and work in collaboration with brands that can grow a following for all parties. Central to the success of the semi-professional Influencers is the management and growth of their personal brands likewise SarahsDay has her own Skincare range and eBook Workout which can also be a big key indicator to her success as an influencer (Sobolewska, F. Smith & Turner, 2009). By taking notes and exploring these problems, I will create a new insight and perspective that I will then be able to share with my audience. I believe the idea of ‘digital trust’ in prominent influencers is very important and especially interesting when marketing is prominent within their content.

Research Method/Plan

I plan to investigate the field site through observational and auto-ethnography research methods as studies show most researchers find the role of an observer over a participant if far more informational. An observational approach will allow me to record the habits of human behaviour as they occur in the natural field site of being an audience member to SarahsDay.

My research in regard to SarahsDay will include:

  • Following all her social medias, Youtube, Instagram and Website Blog

  • How she participates with her audience, through text, instagram posts and meet-ups

  • Investigating consistency and patterns within different social media platforms

  • Seeing the consistency of AD’s and affiliate brand and the feedback from her audience

I’ll plan to take note of major backlashes and conflicts as well as major breakthroughs. I’ll keep up to date and take note on a dated workbook or in a word document to keep everything in one place. I’ll keep everything collated to easily compare and contrast throughout the investigation.

Research Schedule

I have created a Gantt Chart to stay organised overall. This will help create a timeline for my research for the rest of the semester to keep on track with the ethnographic research

Until Next Time, Live and Laugh,

References -

Dawson Catherine (2002) How to Carry Out Participant Observation, in Practical Research Methods A User-Friendly Guide to Mastering Research Techniques and Projects, HowTo Books: Oxford.

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