For my major project I've decided to create a planetarium exhibition. The animation will be an introduction to the planetarium, immersing the viewer into an experience of travelling through space. The function of the project will act as an example of my motion design skills and design skills by combining the two by designing each planet and the sequences throughout.
The animation will need to be informative and engaging as it is proposed to be an introduction to the exhibition. Throughout the animation I want the planets to show an element of truth whilst incorporating artistic graphics. It will explore the aspects of the exhibition using motion graphics to hopefully create an engaging piece.
“Today, text is no longer limited to static, spatial forms of communication; it can make use of time and motion. These added dimensions further enhance its communicative power.” (Krasner, 2013).
I want to highlight the use of text whilst integrating kinetic vectors and intertwine the motions of both. This combination will hopefully create an immersive animation. I will be developing the vectors first in adobe Illustrator then importing them to adobe after effects. Using elements like scale, rotation and lapses (star lapses/time-lapse) will visually represent the outer space and its contents. Whilst also using text to inform the videos purpose of engaging the ‘public’ to visit the exhibition. Using these elements I hope to create depth to my animation as factors of rhythm, pattern, colour, shape and motion all correlate to build one synergic motion and story (Lupton & Phillips, 2008).
The boundaries of the project will include my skills in Ae and the time allocated to the project. Though I expect to due the correct research and practical practice in order to create the animation to a high level. In the project brief it elaborates that the animation must ‘demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of motion design, the application of design thinking and research.’ Thus continually researching the fundamentals of motion is required and the process will have been documented. The process being I first define, then research, ideate, prototype, select, implement and learn (Ambrose & Harris, 2009). Key milestones in the animation will be creating each composition that will then become one whole animation that seamlessly flows.
The Final Outcome of the project will hopefully be a successful animation that will engage the viewer, employing different motion techniques to introduce the planetarium exhibition.
Stay Tuned for more!
Until Next Time, Live and Laugh,